Going Back to my Roots

You could call my journey (my physical travels and my psychological and spiritual healing through yoga, writing and self-enquiry) a process of going back to the beginning – of going back to my roots. I am slowly but surely peeling back layer by layer of the onion that is my personality (my ego) and in turn I am re-learning who I am.

I am getting the strongest sensations of remembering. At first they felt like deja-vu. But now I know they are a coming home to mySelf. To the person I was before I was born into this world, back when I was just a twinkle in the sky, as my dad always put it. (So, perhaps I always did know. My own father told me.)

But, before I was a star or and after I was a star, I was many other things. In this lifetime (the only one I am capable of remembering at this moment) I have been, for example, a digital media director, an American Studies student, an all-rounder at school, a dancer, a violin player, a thumb sucker, a touch-typer, a (horribly competitive) tennis player, a traveller, an artist, a blogger, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and many, many other things, all of which have played their role in forming me into the person that I am – or rather, the persona of myself that I project to the world, and the image formed through mental impressions in my imagination of who I am inside my head. The sum of all these impressions, and the million and one causes and effects which brought them into existence, is…me.

dharmsala, india

Or, is it?

Could Me, in fact, be separate to the million and one circumstances, thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and events that conspired to bring me into Being?

Could ‘Me’ be, rather, the person that I am remembering?

The déjà vu.

The noticing of the Universe beating to my own drum, and me dancing along to its rhythm, in a way that feels familiar and easy and yet, I don’t believe I have done it before in this lifetime. The way I feel energy within me and outside of me, making me feel at one with all that is, and showing me how to flow with life, rather than against it. To stop resisting. When we flow together we create beautiful waves, Me and The Universe (We being one and the same). And the waves are bringing me to such beautiful places and to beautiful souls riding on the same ocean.

yoga immersion group rishikesh india

We are learning to co-create, to go back to our roots – as human beings, spiritual Beings, brothers and sisters. We are forming community and living in harmony with nature (to an extent. There is a long way to go. A lot to learn.) At least one could truthfully say we are living with heightened awareness and a desire to create a more peaceful global society – a safe, joyful, and abundant planet for our children.

The experiences I am having in India (and everywhere else in the world in fact) are bringing me back to my roots – to a state of love and inner peace which feels so good and real and pure that I am sure it is the frequency at which we should – and could – all be operating. It’s a place of love and compassion and openness that unites instead of dividing. It breaks down boundaries, removes the veil of illusion, and allows us to be One. I believe it is the answer to all of the world’s pain, anger, corruption and fighting.

Operating at this frequency – Love – would bring us back together as nations, as families, and as a species.

The good news is things are changing. Love is pervading over darkness. It always does. (History teaches us this and we all know it inside.) But we have to keep working. We have to keep peeling back the layers of our onions.

Dig deep. It is your only real duty while here on this planet.

We all know who we are. We are love.

(That is what exists when you peel back the final layers of the onion.

Just love.)


Namaste x


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